Sewing the seeds of Quality Education!
Julie Lowen

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    How you can help

    Help for cause

    Your donation to the Smarty Patch Foundation will give children equal access to early education and allow them the opportunity to grow and thrive throughout life.

    Tuition Scholarships
    School Supplies
    Counseling Services
    Healthy Meals
    Donate Now!

    Our Vision

    Partnering with Children’s Paradise Preschool of San Diego County, the Smarty Patch Foundation works to improve the lives of all children and their families. By providing access to programs that cover financial hardships, healthcare, mentoring, and family counseling services, we are able to create opportunity during difficult times.

    We patch the gap left by government programs such as Alternative Payment to guarantee an enriched, caring, and supportive high quality learning environment for each child. By filling the holes left in traditional early education funding, the Smarty Patch Foundation is able to provide access to children in the community, allowing them to thrive in an educational setting.

    In order to do this, we are focused on three main strategies:

    Support for Children

    Children are the future, which is why it is so important that they receive the early education that they need. We provide tuition scholarships, funding for clothes and food, school supplies, healthcare referrals, special needs and language assistance, counseling, mentoring, and tutoring services to all children who need it.

    Support for the Family

    A child is strongly influenced by the parents they go home to, which is why the Smarty Patch Foundation extends its helping arms to the entire family. Our family programs include interactive parent/child workshops, topical symposiums, parent counseling, and the creation and dissemination of curricula.

    Support Communities

    We may be located in San Diego County, but our support will go where needed. If you or someone you know has a community in mind that could benefit from the Smarty Patch Foundation, then let us know! We will use our network of dedicated grantors and all available resources to raise the standards and facilities in the area.